<h1>Magna Timeshare Software</h1>
Magna Software Services for Timeshare have been around since 1984 consequently you have the assurance of a long-term partner. Most other vendors have been only around for a decade or two. Senior and Junior team members have worked in timeshare for over 3 decades. Analytics and reporting used in the software management system have been gathered from the trenches of resorts, sales offices, telemarketing rooms, booking offices, reservation desks, finance offices and many other places involved in vacation ownership activities. Imagine having a consultant in the form of software systems and staff that can guide you through all your business processes. Whether you are a small PC-oriented business or a larger networked operation with multiple users at multiple sites, MAGNA has the software, hardware and technical resources to get you connected and running smoothly in record time. MAGNA works with ALL computer platforms, including Windows, Apple Mac OS X, iPads, iPhones,Unix and Linux. Character terminals, Thin Clients, etc – and information can be securely accessed over the Internet from remote locations, reducing IT costs.
Years in business
Resorts Served
Tours Booked
Contracts Printed
Magna software has helped us accomplish our goal of providing good customer service and tracking operating aspects of the business. Sales automation, tour appointment automation, sales contracts, client support and commissions. Used seamlessly on the cloud, web, Macs, Windows, Android and iOS devices.
Sales Team Administration
Using Magna has allowed our company to abandon cumbersome spreadsheets. This improves accuracy where it matters most – calculating commissions!
Sales Team Accountant
I really appreciate the assistance given by the entire customer support team at Magna. Always provide detailed assistance and quick solutions to any problems faced whilst making use of the program.
Magna Software End User
Don't hesitate ask us about our work!